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This book introduces the basic pilot skills and knowledge essential for piloting airplanes. It benefits student pilots just beginning their aviation endeavors, as well as those pilots wishing to improve their flying proficiency and aeronautical knowledge, pilots preparing for additional certificates or ratings, and flight instructors engaged in the instruction of both students and licensed pilots. This new edition features full-color illustrations, and expands all technical subject areas from the previous 1999 edition. In addition to updating the existing material, it also incorporates new areas of safety concerns and technical information not previously covered, such as runway incursion avoidance, use of checklists, positive transfer of controls when 2 pilots are flying together, and transitioning to turboprop and jet-powered airplanes.  All Books are shipped current.  Mini Approx. 6" x 7"

Airplane Flying Handbook 8083-3

SKU: 5537
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